Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Its a pointless journey

Without feeling hurt and pain

You wake up one morning

Find yourself transported into a no man's land

There is no succor for the hungry heart here

It was a dream

Where you held happiness in the palm of your hand

Where you stood and poured your heart out to another stranger

The waves lapping at your feet

Life is a minefield

You end up losing a heart or two

The mental scars – they never go away

My valley with the yellow flowers

Where I yearn to walk waits for me

I am still meandering


Anonymous said...

..there's no such thing as a great suffering, great regret, great memory.. everything left untouched is forgotten, even a great love! That's what's sad about life, and also what's wonderful about it.

Kits said...

The choice to leave it alone is made by the mind. Not giving it a chance is where in my mind love is lost.