Thursday, December 21, 2006


Mins Blogger is back, out of beta, wonder when we r gng to be like tht with our product! That would be nice......

I have been reading and reading and I feel insatiable with this need to read...I don't go a day without reading..Rt now, I am reading 'The Agony and the Ecstasy' by Irving Stone. Its a biography of Michelangelo and its fabulous! I mean, I find it hard to believe some of the stuff here but its a great read trying to understand how the mind that made 'David' - one of the most beautiful things I have seen btw!

I saw David in Florence...he is the most perfect man ever. I am now reading as to why he chose to make David that way, the pose, the reasons behind the pose..oh man, bootiful stuff! That set me getting nostalgic about my time in Italy and what a glorious time I had! Spent 16 days in that country and boy I wish I could go back there! With patience comes things and that is what I hope! Florence- the Doumo, Sienna and the cobbled streets, Rome, Pomepii, Positano - boooooooootiffffulllll with the lesbian hostel warden! Ah, memories, so sweet.....

Further down the path and remembered Ncl friends - and went into work and had got email from cool that was...coincidental and everything but still! Day progressed and suddenly something happens and I am like man, why me types!! Its like I attract trouble or men can scent it - whichever comes first!

I met Mun yest and had a such great time catching up with him man! Wheee that was! Been friends with him for 19 long yrs and I am loving eeet!! Ended up talking about my love life as usual! How wierd that should happen with today's RTC man! I can't wait to see Man (where the fuck are you da??)...

I also did some screwy shit and I can only apologise to person concerned. Honest mistake meant well but sometimes things get wierd! Sowie baby, didn't mean any harm at all!

Cutlet's and Ganja's wedding went off fabulously! Loved being bridesmaid and loveeeee my dresss!! Shoes were bashturd in end but still worth it I guess! Wot women do for vanity I tell ya! I caught the fucking bouquet which of course made me the talking point of Den's family! Bloddy nonsense I tell ya...Den beetch even put that fucking snap up!! Blodddddy I tell ya!!

I am gng to Kashid for NY and can't fucking wait! The work that I am doing rt now, I am going to be heartily sick of by the time it finishes so just as well I would say I am going away. I pray for Mrs Karnik's soul everyday!

That is it from me....enuf update crap I reckon....

1 comment:

Akshay V said...

I so want to go to Italy and well the entire Europe. It seems like you had a good time at the wedding, catching the bouquet.. awesome.. so you are next. I am probably just going to celebrate the NY at my place with my cousins and family. It will be 4 years since I will be partying with them for the NY. Anyways.. I am heading to Mumbai today..for 10 days. Finally will get to eat some home made food for 10 straight days :). Happy Xmas :)