Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I am walking away

I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day
I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day
I'm walking away

Craig David is humming in my head. I am walking away from the troubles in my life which are at this stage slightly miniscule. The marriage madness has not started yet. So am Skyping a whole lot and those two hours of video talking make me extremely happy.

I had written earlier about starting up a new house and we have got our fabulous apartment now. So am totally happy about that and can't wait to see it real time which should be approximately 4 months from now.

Today has been a retrospective day of sorts. Of letting go of old hat and letting it fly with the wind where no one sees it or catches it. Of knowing that good things can and do happen to people who wait patiently. Of catching up with friends who will not seen awhile and sorely missed. Of knowing that happiness can come by anytime it chooses to. You just need to be there to grab your moment and not let go and squeeze it for all its worth.

Life as eet ees is taking a new turn :)


crypticrow said...

which place on earth are you off to though post wedding?? :)

crypticrow said...

and i had failed to notice this pic earlier..have you taken it? I LOVE IT!! :-))

Kits said...

QK: Am off to the land of the rising sun post shaadi and yes yes took foto at Kharghar :)

crypticrow said...

ooh ma! japan! freak! my second cousin is going there for 6 mths in sept..if u need any help, lemme know..rather let her know..she knows the language quite well :D

photo ke liye shabbas! :D